Monday, December 13, 2010

Times, they are a-changing...

Ever have those times when you feel like a horrible friend? Feel bad if you haven't talked, e-mailed, texted or otherwise communicated with said friends in a while?

I have those moments too. I always think, "I'll call so and so later" or "I'll e-mail them tomorrow". But then I got to thinking, what if that later or tomorrow never comes? Then how bad would I feel?

I know we all lead different lives, with different responsibilities, but the bottom line is, we share a friendship. I do my best to keep in touch with those I care about, but sometimes time zones can be a real pain in the tush. I've got to make it a point to be better about things like that.

Sometimes I wish all my friends lived in the same town, so I could see them more often. But on the flip side, since they live all over the country, it gives me another excuse to travel!

I've also started to notice that some close friendships are not so close anymore. I'm not really sure why, I guess it's just one of those things that happens. Or it could all be in my head.


  1. Who in the heck are you referring to here? I hope not me!

  2. Oh you silly, sleepy head...of course it's not you. I was having "one of those days" and for some reason starting thinking about "the divide" convo's from days gone by.

  3. Well, the divide is alive and kicking. It's just the way it is unfortunately or fortunately depending on which side of the divide you sit.
