Sunday, April 29, 2012


Ok, I may have a small addiction to a little city in the desert. For the past 12 years, I've gone to Vegas at least two, sometimes three times a year.

I'm heading back there this week, but until a few days ago, didn't have another trip in the works. Then I saw the tweet I had been waiting for...Jimmy Buffett to play 2 Vegas shows. There are only 2 artists I'd fly to Vegas to see. And he's one of them. I missed out on it last year, I'm not going to miss it again.

I'm 60/40 committed to pulling the trigger. Concert tickets go on sale on May 1st. I can't even begin to think what kind of Parrotheads would come out for this show!

Stay tuned to see if the travels will continue...Fins Up!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

You've come a long way, baby...

Kudos to the United States Naval Academy's Todd Green, on being named the 2011-2012 Independent Video Coordinator of the Year by the Collegiate Sports Video Association. Any time an award is voted on by your peers, says a lot about your performance.

Keep up the good work!

Monday, April 16, 2012

To ink or not to ink...

...that is the question...

If I ever broke down and let a tattoo gun come anywhere close to my body, I'd have to think a portion of this Oscar Wilde quote I would be involved.

I would love to have devil horns on "saint" and a tilted halo over "sinner"...things to ponder...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Memo to the guys...

So, I was out and about this afternoon at the Dogwood Arts Festival in Market Square and stopped for some lunch at the Savory and Sweet food truck. As I was waiting for my food, I happened to look down and see the dude behind me in flip flops. Oh my gosh, his toes were awful!

Let me pause for a moment and state. I strongly dislike feet. Mainly other people's nasty feet. I hate being seen in open toed shoes without polish on my toe nails. I'd get more professional pedicures, but it annoys me when other people touch my feet like that.

But guys, come's getting warm're going to be wearing flip flops...please, please...get your toes did!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just another Sunday on the golf course...

There's something about Final Round Sunday in Augusta. All of these grown men, hitting a little white ball all for one goal, to win a green jacket. But I don't think there's anything better than a Masters win...once you win, you're guaranteed a stop for the rest of your life. How many other sports allow that? This is part of what makes the Masters so special.

This year, a friend of mine was lucky enough to go for a second time with his dad and brother. I asked him to bring me a Tervis mug if they were still available. I got a tweet from his mom on Easter Sunday letting me know my mug was coming back to Knoxville.

How cool is that? How many people get to see the Masters in person, twice?! I plan on taking this mug to work. We are suppose to use lids. Silly rule, but I actually have a hot pink lid that will fit the mug.

Masters swag

The hot pink lid works for multiple reasons. Not only is it my favorite color, but the 2012 Masters Champion, Bubba Waston uses a hot pink PING driver. Before Bubba won, the PING driver was not available to the general public. But now, due to the popularity, they are available and a portion of the proceeds will benefit cancer research. I think that's the best part. If I golfed, I'd buy one.

Bubba long & Bubba pink

Monday, April 2, 2012

Do you have online influence?

Well, according to Klout, I do. Klout measures your online influence from all connected social media networks. It's actually a pretty neat website. You can give Klout points to people you feel are influential about a specific topic. Most of my Klout points have come because my friends feel I know a thing or two about football. Imagine that!

This all adds up to a "Klout Score". Scores range from 1 to 100. My current score is 54. This puts me in the "Specialist" category. Per the Klout wesbite:

You may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none. Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience.

I picked up the following perks over the past few weeks. Dial for Men speed foam body wash and a few Simple skincare products. I gave the body wash away, but I think I'm going to like the Simple products. I do have sensitive skin, so I'm excited to give it a go.