Saturday, February 12, 2011

Well, that was scary...

Breathe in, breathe out, move on...

OK, I think I've finally calmed down enough to put a post together. There was a minor issue in my utility closet this evening. Apparently there was a short, some sparks & even a few flames.

It COULD have been a whole lot worse, but with some quick fire extinguisher work, it was put out.

My Mom & Bristol actually came up to visit this weekend. And thanks to Bristol's sniffer, we figured out there was an issue before it could get any worse.

My heating unit can't get looked at till tomorrow, so it looks like we have to layer up. Thank goodness it's not as cold tonight as it has been in the past.

I have to be honest, the whole think kinda freaked me out. I kept thinking, what if I had been sleeping or what if I wasn't home when it happened. Maybe I'm just a little gun shy since we had a house fire in the past.

It was the summer before my freshman year of high school. I was in Hawaii & my parents & BoJangles were in Gatlinburg for a summer conference. There was a short in some wiring and an electrical storm. Next thing you know, our house is in flames. Someone driving by stopped and tried to knock on the door. By that time our neighbor had called the fire department.

Our house had to be gutted and we lost everything, but still had our lives. And that's all I could think about tonight. What if I didn't feel bad last night & went out like I was suppose to? What could I have come home to?

This could end in one of two ways, the first...I never leave my apartment for fear of what might happen when I'm away. The second, breathe in, breathe out, move on...I refuse to be held captive by fear. And no matter what, life is going to throw us curve balls. We can't control everything.

So, going forward...I'm going to really try and live by my favorite motto..."live life to the fullest & never look back".

1 comment:

  1. I ma glad it was not any worse. You are very lucky. I remember a couple of years ago when there was a wild fire close to us. We decided if it got close enough we would take the cats and leave. Everything thing else is replaceable. Especially now that pictures are all stored online.
