Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have a Tervis addiction

I've had Tervis Tumblers for as long as I can remember. Not only do they have a lifetime guarantee, you can customize them too. I know this because when my Dalmatian, BoJangles was alive, we made patches and created our own tumblers. One started to leak and the patch was getting wet. Mom sent an e-mail, got an address and mailed the broken cup. Within a short amount of time, we got a new one, patch and all!

My Beagle, Bristol Peyton finally has his own patches, so we'll be getting another bundle of cups. 

But in the mean time, I've started to lose track of how many I have, just by myself.

Every few months, our VP will take all of the Team Leaders on a little shopping trip after a TL lunch. We've been able to pick stuff out at Dick's Sporting Goods, Best Buy, Borders, Sports Seasons and Alumni Hall.

After lunch at Dead End BBQ today, we were told to meet at Sports Seasons. We each had a $30.00 limit, but Sports Seasons was going to take 20% off each purchase, pretax, talk about getting all the bang for your buck.

I need another t-shirt like I need a hole in my head. I needed a new Vols tailgating chair, but all the ones in the store were dirty. So I got what I had been eyeing for months...

Yes, I already have a clear 24 oz clear Power T tumbler, but I really liked the dark charcoal color. And one can never have too many Power Ts.

I gave an example of poor customer service in my last post re: Central Parking. I'd like to end the night with shout out to two companies that provide and continue to provide excellent customer service: Dead End BBQ and Sports Seasons. They have yet to disappoint.

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