Friday, July 15, 2011

It's been a good run...

As I type, it's 8:28 PM and I've been awake since 1:45 AM. Why? Because today is the opening day for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2".

I have to be honest, the purist in me was a bit disappointed in the film. There was so much detail and story within story in the books, it was hard to get all of that on the big screen. And the 2.05 hour run time was just not long enough.

I left feeling a little let down, but glad I went to the 3 AM show. It would have been more difficult to sit in an office all day, waiting to break free.

While I was waiting for this morning's show to begin, I saw that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter down in Orlando opened after the midnight shows. Now that would have been fun. It wouldn't have been sticky hot and there would have been less of a crowd.

I feel bad for my friends Ally and Dave who live a stones throw from Universal. I don't think they've been able to enjoy their season passes too much due to the insane amount of people down there. Especially this year. In a perfect world, I would have planned my travels a whole lot better and been in Orlando for the midnight show. Then I could have been one of those crazy people running around in Hogwarts!

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