Sunday, January 27, 2013

One of my brightest ideas...

Ho hum, just another day in paradise. It's been a while since I've unloaded some here goes.

I have been fortunate to have the ability to travel at what seems like the drop of a dime. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to grab life by the horns, since you never know when that specific opportunity might come along again.

If you know me, you know I never make New Year's Resolutions. But this year I did. I resolved to see my old friends, before more of that pesky thing called "life" got in the way. Part 2 of my resolution was to take a trip every month. OK, OK, Part 2 was kind of a stretch, but so far things are looking up.

January is the month to plan/budget. Holy cow, do you know how hard it has been for me to "budget". I know, I know, I sound like a spoiled brat, but that's how I roll.

February takes me to Vegas for my birthday weekend & to celebrate my Gramma's belated 80th birthday. Yes, we pushed the trip back so we could catch my birthday too. Insert spoiled comment again.

March take me & my Mom to Tampa for what else, Kenny Chesney and the kick off to his No Shoes Nation tour. Had to announced all of the dates in December, we would have been going to Vegas to see him at the Joint again, later this summer.

April -- nothing set in stone, so if you want to go on an adventure, just let me know.

May, I'm looking forward to this month like no other. I'm finally going to Chicago to visit one of my oldest and dearest friends. I've known Joel since 3rd grade. He was one of my first and best friends I made at St. Edward when I moved to Nashville. I have a feeling the Windy City will never be the same after our adventure.

June -- again, nothing that I know of...yet

July, another month I'm waiting for...I'm going to head out West and it's not Vegas. It's Denver, CO. I was suppose to go out there a few years ago, but those plans changed at the last minute. I'll also get to see another old friend and see Kenny one more time.

August...this one kind of came out of left field. One of my friends from HI noticed I was taking all of these trips and after our mini-reunion last year, thought we should make it a tradition. We talked about San Francisco, but the cost was too much for either of us to spare at this point in time. So, we go back to the old standard, VEGAS. I've known these girls since I was 5. You do the math. The last time the 3 of us spent the week in Vegas, I think we were 23. And we'll follow the code, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Period.

I'm tired after thinking about all of these trips, but I think this will be another summer to remember. Hope you stick around for the ride!

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