Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why to people steal?

That's one think I've never understood, why people steal. I'm not talking about the gum you may have pocked as a child when a parent wasn't looking. I'm talking about breaking into a stranger's (or maybe even someone you know) and willfully taking things that don't belong to you.

This may seem like a random thought, but I found out a co-worker's home was robbed yesterday...at 3:00 PM in the afternoon. Do you know what I was doing at 3:00 PM, I was working, as I'm sure most/all of you were too.

The whole situation makes me sick. My co-worker is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He'd do anything for you. Not only that, he has a family and one of his children is afraid to go back in the house. They think the bad guys are coming back. And I hear is dog is traumatized. I don't know of the robbers did anything to the dog, but that's 2 things I can't stand. People that hurt children and animals.

Overall, I'm glad no one was injured, but how can you restore the piece of mind for your family? I hope they catch these yahoo's, but sadly, they probably won't. And what are they going to do with the stuff they took? Repackage it as Christmas gifts or try to sell it? They didn't get anything too "fancy". An iPad, a laptop, a 5+ year old TV, etc.

Here's the lesson of the day, don't steal from my friends. Losers steal. I was raised to pay for the things I want. I want a lot of stuff, so that's why I WORK, to buy it. If you try to steal from me, I will cut you.

That is all.

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