Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can't wait to fly until the map turns blue...then green again

You know that feeling you had as a kid of Christmas Eve or the last week of school? You know, wanting something so bad you fear that day will never arrive? Well, that's how I feel now. I've been looking forward to heading back to Hawaii since 2006. In a little over a week, I'll finally have the time to hop on a plane and see my family & friends that I've missed for so long.

It seems everyone has all these grand ideas about what to do and what to see in Hawaii. Truth be told, it's always a very low key visit for me. I don't care about the latest restaurant or bar opening. I just want to see the people I don't get to see on a regular basis.

I see lots of food in my future. And yes, the dinner menu for the night we arrive has changed twice. But I'm OK with the latest change. I have a routine, the first thing I do when I land in Hawaii is find the nearest Zippy's and order fried chicken, french fries and a fruit punch. I can't help it, I've always loved fried chicken, even when I lived in Hawaii.

Fruit punch, that's something else I can't get enough of. Don't get my wrong, I love my sweet tea, but there's just something about an ice cold fruit punch that always brings me home.


  1. Have fun! I have not been since 2005...one day I will go back.

  2. Thanks, dear! I think we ALL need to hit the Islands, sometime in the near future!!
