Sunday, April 24, 2011

I did it!

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I struggle to come up with something to give up for Lent. I don't know that I've been successful for 40 days. But, this was the year. I successfully gave up bacon.

Now, those that know me, know how much I love bacon. Heck, I went on a bacon bonanza a few weeks before the start of Lent, when I was in Savannah. Call it silly, but it took a lot of self control to accomplish this task. It made me think about another personal struggle. If I can give up something as trivial as bacon, I can give up making another poor choice.

This choice never gets any easier. I thought I was done with it year ago, but it seems to crop up again ever few years. I want to believe everything will work out in the end. But I almost feel I have to remove myself from the situation. The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, but I also value my friendships.

Why can't we live in a perfect world? One in which old friends can remain dear friends and where new friends can become close friends too.

There was one world that fixed the problem a few years ago. "Delete" is a powerful word, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I handed it over to my buddy, MM. He looked me in the eye, didn't give me an "I told you so" glare and hit the delete button. And just like that, all was right in the world.

Now here's the million dollar question, can I actually hit the delete button this time around?


  1. I know MM. You need to do what is best for you and if that is to continue said situation, an adult convo needs to take place with the other half--more on other half's end to take care of situation. Either way, things will work out how they are supposed to, and you need to figure out if it is something you want to pursue. The power is in your hands. Life is what we make of it :-) You choose your destiny! Go for whatever makes you happy!


  2. Best thing I've heard all day! So lucky to have you as a friend :)
