Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journey to Antarctica

I want to go to Antarctica. Why? #1 -- I want to visit all seven continents & #2 I want to hug a penguin. They're just go cute!!

Earlier this summer I requested information from National Geographic. Big mistake on my part. They sent me these amazing travel guides, now all I can think about is one adventure after another.

There are may different tours, but I want the "Journey to Antarctica". It's a 14 day trip, goodness knows I have the PTO for it, but do I have the roughly $12,000? That would be a big fat "NO"! But heck, I can dream, right?

Maybe one day...if I ever win the lottery or win the MegaBucks in Vegas.


  1. Dave and I want to go there to. But I did some research and just know that if you do the cruise it is the roughest water you will ever be in. I can just see me throwing up for 14 days!! If you fly to Patagonia (Chile...I think) they have day trips via a plane. You land, pet the penguins and leave. That's all I need. Also if you want to knock out two continents at once go to Tasmania. That is the little island on the south side of Australia. They do day trips as well.

  2. Good point about Australia...then if I combined everything, I would have visited all 7 continents. I like it!!
