Wednesday, July 14, 2010

There and Back Again...

My epic summer vacation has come to a close...but not without issue. I should have been home last night, but thanks to American Airlines and their limited flight schedule & mechanical problems I was forced to spend the night in Dallas.

I'm not as upset as I was 24 hours ago, but I'm not happy that I had to miss a day of work today. My PTO days are precious and I don't like to waste them.

My adventure in Dallas was not all that horrible. Since it was their fault, American Airlines put me up in a hotel & gave me food vouchers. I could have spent the night in the airport & paid for food out of thanks!

Here's one thing I will never understand, why do people have to yell and get mad at the desk agents. It's not their fault the plane was delayed or cancelled. There was a woman next to me in line, with a similar situation. She had just missed her connecting flight to Ft. Wayne, IN. Like me, there were no other connections till this morning. She went on this massive rant and the desk agent remained calm and tried to offer her a hotel & food vouchers. She refused and said, "I'll just stay here!"

I felt bad for the desk agent, but what can you do, some people think that by throwing a fit something will change.

I know some of my friends have had issues with Delta, I've had them too...but in the future, I'm going to book all of my trips with them, since I know they have multiple flights to and from Knoxville & worse case, I can rent a car and drive home.

It would be great if Allegiant or Air Tran would start direct flights to Vegas. It would make my life so much easier!!


  1. I have sworn off Delta. The last two times I have been stuck somewhere on a layover and tried to call them I got a recording saying they are not accepting any calls because they are busy....for said that. And then it hung up on me.

  2. Allegiant and AirTran actually both used to make direct trips to Vegas. I think the slumping economy halted that unfortunately!
