Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back where I come from...

My "Summer of 2010" will be jam packed with travel plans that will allow me to visit some of my favorite places and a few places I've never been before....but there's one place I need to make the time to visit....Hawaii.

I hope to get back there by 2011, but whenever I fly home, it breaks my heart. Yes, I still cry when I see Diamond Head on the initial approach and bawl like a baby when the wheels are up and I'm flying out.

I've often thought about moving back, but I'd miss my family & friends in Tennessee way too much. Who knows what the next 5, 10 or even 15 years will hold....but I know one thing...I'll eventually get back to where I came from.

View from the top of Diamond Head, November 2006

1 comment:

  1. I have seen that view myself...after climbing all of those stairs. That is an insane amount of stairs.
