Friday, December 31, 2010

"Auld Lang Syne"

And just like that, another year has come to a close. It feels like that last 364 days flew by, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've said "goodbye" to some folks this year, but said "hello" and "hello again" to many more.

Saw the following article on a friend's FB wall, it just struck a chord and I wanted to share, Days of Auld Lang What?

Here's my take, if you were a part of my life for whatever reason, you will always be a part of my life. I take the good with the bad. After all, if I never experienced any negatives, how would I be able to enjoy all the positives I have been blessed with? Our past helps shape us, it does not define us.

I'm most thankful that distant friends have become closer friends and that close friends have come even closer. I miss those that I have lost, but I know I'll see them again...

What Music City Miracle?

OK, so we all know what happened at the Music City Bowl. I can not believe we got "Les'd" twice in the same season. There are no "do over's in college football", unless you're LSU or North Carolina, so now it's time for us to "dust off our britches" and build our program.

Give me players and coaches that will give their all for Tennessee, all day, everyday and I will support you till the day I die. I still believe in our future, but I really need to see a leader/s step up next season. It's time to stop beating ourselves and beat every team we play.

I shot a message to a buddy and asked how he was doing after the loss. He was handling it like I expected, but his last comment to me hit home. He said, "we have Tyler Bray. I'd take him over any Music City Bowl trophy..." And I'd have to agree, but I don't want to forget about Justin Hunter or my current favorite, Janzen Jackson (who IMO did not spear anyone last night, that was all shoulder).

With that, Go Vols, I'll see you in 2011!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What would you do with $237 million?

That's what the Mega Millions jackpot is up to, $237 million dollars! I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've bought a lottery ticket. I bought one the first day it became legal in the state of Tennessee and maybe only a few more after that.

Seeing as how I go to Vegas at the drop of a hat, I'm actually surprised I don't buy lottery tickets more often. But then again, the most I've ever won on a single ticket was $8.00. I have a friend who lives in the Atlanta area that seems to do well when it comes to lottery tickets. If I had her luck, I'd buy them more often.

There was a package on the local news asking what people would do if they won the $237 million ($150.8 million if you took the cash lump sum). A lot of the answers revolved around paying off debt and giving to charity. Both are solid choices. But then I started to think about what I would do with the $150.8 million cash option.

I'd buy several vacation home across the country, starting in Hawaii and ending somewhere on the East Coast. Then I'd wear my passport out. I'd hit every continent and almost every country as I travel around the world. Maybe I'd do it twice, just to make sure I didn't miss out on anything.

Then I'd come home and open a bar or two. One would have to be an old school sports bar in Knoxville, right Jessica. And another would have to be on a beach, I don't really know what beach, but I'd find a good one...that overlooked crystal blue waters.

And in case you were wondering, I wouldn't spend it all on myself. Family & friends would be taken care of and so would all of my favorite charities. I do have a heart, after all.

This all sounds fantastic in theory, maybe I'll actually remember to buy a ticket this week and see if it's that one in a million...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's gone...

My hair that is, after almost 2 years of growing and trimming, I finally cut off about 11 inches and will donate it to Locks of Love.

This is the third time I've donated my hair, but for some reason it seems like this donation took the longest to grow. I go through these weird phases, sometimes I like my hair short in the winter & longer in the summer. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it seems to work.

I also don't like to mess with my hair a whole lot. It's super straight & thick. I always know when it's time for a cut when I start breaking rubber bands or get headaches from the weight. I kind of like the length it's at right now. I may keep it like this for a few months.

We had a White Christmas!

It starting snowing in Nashville late on Christmas Eve and continued to snow throughout the night. When I woke up on Christmas morning, the ground was covered the fluffy white stuff!

I enjoy the snow when I don't have to drive across the state in it. It's so much prettier when I'm in the house with a mug of hot chocolate in my hands.

I found out that Bristol's not a big fan of the snow. He went out and ran around a bit, but didn't roll or dig it up like BoJangles did. BoJangles would come in the house with snow all over his noes and whiskers. Not this little guy, we had to put a doggie shirt on him to keep him warm and his little paws kept slipping on the ground.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I hate packing...

I have an issue when it comes to packing for a trip. I can never decide what I want to take, so I pack in rounds. I pick out all the stuff I think I want to take and end up drafting my outfits.

Back in the day, this was quite the process. I'd start days in advance and be ready to go at least 24 hours before my departure time.

Now, it's a different story. I still don't always know what to take, but I end up throwing a bunch of random stuff in a bag and hope I have everything I need. I don't know when or how I got so lazy. It's kind of disturbing. I end up running around like a chicken with my head cut off and normally forget something.

I've got to work on this and get back to how I use to be. It would make for a much more stress free adventure.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here, there & everywhere...

It's no secret, I like to travel. If this is news to you, we've either never met or you've been living under a rock. But anyhoo, I already know I need to be in NYC next year, so I started to think how I could fill my travel schedule.

Here's what I have so far, but I'm always open to suggestions/destinations:

January --> shocker, nothing "officially" planned

February --> Bon Jovi is playing NYC on my birthday, but I think I'm going to pass

March --> I'm giving up my Spring Bristol tickets for Kenny Chesney's Tampa concert

April --> Las Vegas #2

May --> quick trip to Nashville, a wedding in Chattanooga & maybe a trip to Baton Rouge for the Bayou Country Superfest

June --> Chicago & Wrigley Field (maybe...any takers) or maybe a beach trip?

July --> Las Vegas #2

August --> night race at Bristol Motor Speedway & maybe Charlotte

September - December --> college football & NYC wedding

That list doesn't seem as full as my 2010 schedule, but there are a few places I really would like to hit up:

Washington DC in the spring, I want to see the cherry blossoms & we have that $1 Megabus thing (kidding about the bus)

Chicago...I've never been there and one of my oldest and dearest friends has been living there since college. I think it's about time I paid him a visit.

Charlotte...I love that town and want to hit up the rest of the NASCAR race shops & the Hall of Fame.

Orlando...I really want to go back to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

The City of Angels...need to visit the West Coast family dad wanted to take me there, but with all of its current issues I don't feel safe taking a trip over there and won't have enough vacation days. Maybe in 2012, before the Mayan calendar ends...

Any other suggestions?

"New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of..."

I have to be honest, I'm in an "Empire State of mind" after my friend Anne told me that she and Dave are engaged and plan to be married next fall/winter in New York City.

Not only am I excited for the both of them, but I'm super stoked they have asked me to be apart of their big day!

Once May 2011 rolls around, I'll have to switch into my "conserve PTO" mode. The things I'll do for my friends...

Monday, December 20, 2010

I found it... Christmas spirit, that is. I've always loved giving gifts more than receiving them, hard to believe, I know. But for the second year in a row, Brad and I picked up Target gift cards for the ladies at Pete's Coffee Shop.

It may not seem like much, it's our little way to show our appreciation. For those that follow me on Twitter know that I'm at Pete's at least once a week...sometimes twice in a day. The servers are like an extended family.

My goal is to have a menu item named after me or to have a special created in my honor. I already know what I would request. I'd want them to create a broccoli cheese soup and chicken salad sandwich combo during the winter. For $5.95 that would be a fantastic deal.

But I have a feeling it's going to take a few more lunches before that will ever happen. Or maybe I should just bring a Sharpie and start editing the menu!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I think I've lost my Christmas spirit...

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday season, but for some reason, I can't seem to get into it this year. It's hard to believe Christmas Day is a mere 6 days away.

Maybe it's because I don't get the two week break like I did when I was in school. Or maybe it's because I buy stuff all year long, so there's little to no anticipation when it's time to open gifts?

The older I get, the more it becomes about family and less about the material things. I'm actually excited to spend the week at home with the folks and Bristol. Granted, my parents live a quick 3 hours away, but I don't get to see them as often as I would like.

I just have to get through a 4.5 day work week, then it will be time to enjoy my final vacation of 2010.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Life is full of choices. Sometimes they are easy, other times they're a bit more complex. Sometimes the choices we make will affect someone we may never know.

Sometimes we choose to go against our better judgement. Sometimes we choose to listen to our gut instinct. Sometimes we choose to follow our heart, instead of our head.

Sometimes we take the easy way out. Sometimes we wish we took that risk.

Sometimes you have to take a step back, before you can take two steps forward.

What's life without a difficult choice?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thanks Boss Man!!

Every year at Christmas, my VP will get all of the Team Leaders together for a little gift exchange. There's about 50 of us and the gifts range from the not so good, to freaking outstanding!

We had our gift exchange today. They had Olive Garden & cupcakes brought in. Yes, I got a red velvet cupcake. They're my favorite!!

It's hard to have a strategy when other members of your department are not there. We all draw #'s and pick a gift once your # is called. But, if you get a "good" gift, it can be stolen. A gift can be "stolen" three times before it's frozen.

The department managers normally take one for the team and save one of their people. But my DM was suck at home due to the icy roads. So, I had to go it alone.

Let me start with the gift I did not get, a beautiful new Coach purse. If I had to guess, I'd put the retail value around $250. But that gift was "safe" by the time my # was drawn.

I always feel bad when I steal from other people, but last year, no one cared when they took 2 different iPods from me. So this year, I went for the steal and picked the wii. Too bad I only owned it for 2 minutes.

There was nothing out there worth stealing, so I opted to open another gift. Bummer, I got a Christmas DVD. Then, a while later one of the other DM's stepped up to save me, but there was still nothing to steal, so I tried to pick the package that would contain an iPod. Again, I didn't find it, but actually ended up with a gift I liked.

Everyone else probably thought it was silly, but the first thing I thought of was, "ooooh....I can use this at the Music City Bowl!" I got mini cashmere warmers from Restoration Hardware.

I've come to realize I suck when it comes to picking good gifts, but I'm thankful my company even gives us the opportunity to exchange gifts.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the better gifts:

Coach purse
xbox 360
iPod touch
iPod classic
$100 gft card
$50 gift card
$50 Best Buy gift card
Salon Visage spa day
Kitchen Aid standing mixer
$300 grill

And some of the not so good one's:

garden gnome
jelly of the month
random lotion & body wash
snail lawn ornament (it was broken before the exchange was over)
dog toys
random hoodie
blanket (not even a snuggie)
Beast, from Beauty & the Beast doll

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

They're here...

The tickets for the Music City Bowl arrived today!

I'm not sure why I decided to order tickets for a bowl game in my hometown at the end of December?! Maybe I was going through college football withdrawl. I could have stayed at home and kept warm with Bristol Peyton and a mug of hot chocolate. But no, I had to be an idiot and want to join in the fun with over 70K of my fellow Vol fans.

Wonder if the Doolander will be wearing a hat that night? Or will he keep that hair picture perfect?

I've changed my mind....for now...

I have no desire to travel to the South Pole to hug a penguin. I feel like I'm already there.

It was interesting to see what Key West hit a record low of, gasp, 50 degrees...earlier in the week. I started to think about being there in July...when it seemed hotter than the surface of the sun. That warmed me up pretty good.

The older I get, the more my tropical core resists the cold. I also hate that winter dries out my skin. Plus, my summer clothes are much more comfortable than my bulky winter clothes.

But there's an upside to winter...the hot chocolate tastes so much better. Especially with big, fat, fluffy marshmallows.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Times, they are a-changing...

Ever have those times when you feel like a horrible friend? Feel bad if you haven't talked, e-mailed, texted or otherwise communicated with said friends in a while?

I have those moments too. I always think, "I'll call so and so later" or "I'll e-mail them tomorrow". But then I got to thinking, what if that later or tomorrow never comes? Then how bad would I feel?

I know we all lead different lives, with different responsibilities, but the bottom line is, we share a friendship. I do my best to keep in touch with those I care about, but sometimes time zones can be a real pain in the tush. I've got to make it a point to be better about things like that.

Sometimes I wish all my friends lived in the same town, so I could see them more often. But on the flip side, since they live all over the country, it gives me another excuse to travel!

I've also started to notice that some close friendships are not so close anymore. I'm not really sure why, I guess it's just one of those things that happens. Or it could all be in my head.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The things I do for football...

Thanks to Nick, I finally made it to an NFL game. It was only 33 degrees or so at kick-off, but does it really matter when Peyton Manning and the Colts are involved?

We started our adventure at Margaritaville: Nashville. Sadly Jimmy Buffett did not make another surprise appearance, but it was a really cool place. I've dined in 3 other Margaritaville's and they're all a little different, but I can see this one being a success. There are several different bar areas and each has its own personality. I will have to do a little more research there when I come back home for Christmas.

I will say this, having two margarita's before kick-off helped keep the chill off.

The one thing I don't like about LP Field is its location. It's in kind of weird spot. Anytime I've ever attended an event there, I always park on the downtown side and walk across the bridge. Now it's never been a problem in the summer, but add the walk, the wind and the 2-3 layers of clothing to the mix...I thought I was going to pass out!!

Now I know those TSA scanners and full body pat downs have been in the news recently, but since I was going to a football game & not getting on a airplane, I thought I'd be OK. Boy, was I wrong. I had my bag searched before I went into the stadium, but that's normal. What's not normal was the full body pat down I got before I went in. Um, talk about weird. I've NEVER been searched like that before any kind of sporting event.

A word to any that are coming to the Music City Bowl at the end of this month. I suggest you not put anything in your socks or boots, either. Just saying...

But anyways, back to the matter at hand. The Colts were in town to face the Titans. Both teams are not playing their best football, but the Colts played well enough to win. There were a fair amount of Colts fans in the stadium. I was surrounded by them, so I was happy, but of course Nick had to be difficult and put that stupid Titans cap on after I begged him to not to.

Watching Peyton & the Colts live is something to see. He's always moving, always changing the plays and that kid can still throw. I honestly believe Reggie Wayne can catch just about anything thrown his way. And Pierre Garcon is fun to watch too.

Oh, I almost forgot...I don't know if they have a different person at every game, but the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair was at the game too. I think he raised the "12th" man flag or something like that before kick-off. They kept showing him on the jumbotron and the whole stadium started "wooing". It was pretty hilarious. I wondered if Wells would "woo" in a situation like that?

And Little Jimmy Dickens' was there too. He was celebrating his 90th birthday! 90, imagine what he's seen in those years. And imagine what we'll see if we live just as long?

After being in downtown Nashville for a bit, I started to miss it. I need to make more of a point to come back home and visit old friends. Maybe that will be one of my "New Year's Resolutions".

Manning doing what he does best, leading a scoring drive

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's been too long...

...since I've had the chance to see Peyton Manning play live! Granted the Colts and Peyton aren't having their best season, but I don't care. I've never been to an NFL game and I always tell myself that when Peyton comes to town, I need to go. But something always comes up and I don't ever try to get tickets.

This time, Nick was nice enough to wrangle some tickets for us. It's suppose to be freezing tomorrow night, but I'll brave the elements. My mom told me she picked up some foot & hand warmers. As long as my feet are warm, I'll be good to go.

I'm pretty sure I'll look like the Staypuff Marshamallow Man, but it'll be a lot of fun! Kick-off is set for 7PM CST. You should look for me on TV. I'll be in the upper deck, in my hot pink jacket with my Colts blanket...not a "snuggie", just a regular fleece blanket.

I wonder if I could smuggle some hot chocolate into the stadium?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Three for Three

Whew, I think I kept Tickemaster in business for another year! Over the last 3 days, I've purchased tickets for 3 events: the Music City Bowl, Kenny Chesney & NKOTBSB.

I ordered the "cheapest" tickets for each event, but it still cost a pretty penny. What annoys me the most is all of the silly extra surcharges and fees. For example, the base ticket price for 1 Music City Bowl ticket was ONLY $15.00. Yes, that was $15.00, but I had to pay $11.00 per ticket in fees. What kind of sense does that make?

The other thing that annoyed me was the fact I didn't have the "pick-up at will call" option. I always freak out when tickets have to me mailed, so I like to get them at the venue. It sucks not to have that option. But then again, maybe it was there and I didn't see it because I didn't want to pay someone to 'hold' my ticket.

In the end, it's all my fault. I didn't have to order these tickets, but I wanted to attend the events, so I guess I should just suck it up and deal with it. But no one said I have to like it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Goin' Coastal in 2011

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief...I picked up my tickets for Kenny Chesney's  March 19th show at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida.

I was pretty stressed out since I had already booked a plane ticket & hotel room. I could always cancel the hotel, but I would have been stuck with the plane ticket. Last time I went to Vegas, I bought the concert ticket first, then lucked out in finding a rather cheap flight.

After I saw a Keg in the Closet show, February 2006, I vowed I never had to see him again. I didn't want to ruin the memories. Little did I know, that was only the start of my "Kenny Journey". I saw him later that summer at LP Field in Nashville, saw him there again in 2008, flew down to Florida with the girls to see him in Tampa in 2009 and then there was his once in a lifetime performance at the Joint at the Hard Rock this past May.

Granted, I wish I didn't have to leave the state to see him, but once heard the Zac Brown Band was playing at all of the stadium shows, it was a no-brainer.

From what I hear, this Goin' Coastal is suppose to be one of his larger tours, but he's yet to announce a full schedule. I hope he comes back and plays a few more shows a little closer to home.

You hear that Kenny? You need to get back to where you came from!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Music City Bowl

Thanks to the Vols winning their last 4 games of the season, they found a way to the Music City Bowl. After the Vols beat Kentucky for the 26th straight time over Thanksgiving, I told my parents I'd take them to the bowl game, if we were selected.

There had been some talk about the Vols playing Michigan in the Gator Bowl down in Jacksonville, FL on New Years Day. I would have been happy with that selection. It would have been a bigger payout, would have been a bigger "deal" for the team and would have helped us with recruiting.

But Nashville has it's advantages too. LP Field will be packed with orange and we'd be boosting the local economy. But above all, we should be the only bowl game on TV that night. Football fans across the country will be tuning in...what better way to market our University, our city and our state?!

I can't wait to see the rest of Vol Nation in Nashville!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

One day...

...I'd like to be able to wear this tank and mean it! Hoping this day comes sooner, rather than later.

I like the stability Coach Dooley has brought to Rocky Top. I feel like our fUTure's going to be bright...I might need new shades.

Stop the maddness

I think I have a shopping addiction. Maybe the term 'addiction' is too strong, but I like to buy stuff. Now, I never put myself into debt or anything like that, but shopping makes me happy. If I see something I want and I can afford it, I'll buy it.

I have a thing for shoes & purses, but lately I've been on a new clothes spree. Maybe it's because I haven't bought winter "work" clothes in about 2 years. I guess I should be happy I still wear the same size I did 2 years ago, but I'm running out of room to put everything.

Then come the laundry issue. Those that know me, know my hatred for all things laundry related. I'm looking at my laundry basket as I type and the bloody thing is about to bust at the seams!

If you hear or see me talking about buying stuff for myself, please slap some sense into me. Thanks!!

"All you people can't you see, can't you see...NKOTBSB"

Tickets go on sale in less than a week. I don't think I can wait that long. They're like the Voltron on boy bands...and I think they're fantastic!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Not a big fan of winter. I'll take the sun & the sand any day!! I'm thinking I need to jet away to some place sunny & warm....who's with me?

The only thing I'm happy about is, my new pink coat! Yes, I like pink. Hot pink to be exact, but if you see me in my pink shoes and pink jacket, please don't tell me they match. Duh! Why do you think I bought the jacket?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In a flash...

...where did the year go? Hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of December.

2010 has been a very interesting year to say the least. The adventures have been well documented, but it's also been a year to reconnect with old friends and add new ones into the fold.

Jessica & I were talking yesterday and she read me the funniest quote. It said "friends help you move...real friends help you move bodies..." We had a good laugh, but it's true.

I'm very blessed to have an amazing group of friends. I would do anything for them and I know they'd do the same for me. The funnier thing was, Jessica got a new 'do today & the first thing I thought of is "oh no, what do we have to hide?" Haha!! For the record, we don't have to hide anyone or anything.

But back to the point. I find it interesting that just when I close the door on a friendship, it finds a way to open back up. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned. Maybe I shouldn't slam doors so quickly. Or maybe I've actually grown up a little.

I've made mistakes in life, but I've always tried to learn, grow from them and not make the same ones twice.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I've been bitten... the concert bug. I might need to get a second job to pay for all of these little trips!

I've already planned a trip to Tampa in March for Kenny Chesney. I've requested the days off in June for the NKOTBSB show in Nashville. I just gave myself a limit for those tickets. I don't want to pay over $50.00.

A co-worker informed me that Enrique Iglasias is suppose to tour in 2011 too. Now that's one concert I'd love to attend. I highly doubt he'll come anywhere near Knoxville, but maybe he'll go home to Miami. Hello beach trip!!

While searching for Enrique tickets, I saw that Bon Jovi will be playing at Madison Square Garden on my birthday. My birthday is on a Friday and I don't really need another reason to travel to NYC, but what better birthday present could I give myself?

And Kid Rock will be in Nashville the week before my birthday. I'm not sure what it is, but I love him. I'm trying to think what kind of show he'd put on and I can't even begin to imagine it.

Would 5 concerts be too much in one year?

Oh, I can't forget about Jimmy Buffett. I've seen him twice, but it's been forever. I told myself the next time I saw him live, it would be near the water.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm Back...

Well, kind laptop is still under repair, but my Mom gave me an early Christmas gift when I went home for Thanksgiving. She got me a netbook! It's going to take me a little time to get familiar with the keyboard. It's much smaller than a normal one and my fingers feel too fat to fly across it, but I'm sure it will work itself it out.

Did I mention that it's hot pink?

The first thing I thought of was, "Yes! I can catch up on my Desperate Housewives!". I missed that last episode before the American Music Awards.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

No Loss November

After a slow start and heartbreaking middle of the season slump, the Tennessee Vols pulled off a "No Loss November", which means we're going bowling!

Yes, I called for a 2-2 October, but that didn't turn out like I wanted. But I believe we're a better team because of it. I've seen this team quit on the field, but I've also seen them rally. We've had a lot of ups and downs within our program over the past 3 seasons, but based on the play of our underclassmen, I'd say we're well on our way to becoming "Wide Receiver U" again.

Once we get some weight on Tyler Bray, I think we're all in for a treat. The kid's got a cannon for an arm and he's played in enough games to know what to expect in the coming years. That's one of the things Lane Kiffin did right, sign Tyler Bray. Oh, yeah and he kept Janzen Jackson on the team after that idiotic Pilot incident.

Not only did we beat Kentucky for the 26th straight year, but we also made ourselves bowl eligible. At this point, I don't even care where we play, as long as we play one more game. I'd like to send our senior's out with one final win. They've witnessed a lot in their 4 years on Rocky Top, but they helped lay the foundation for our future.

All I ask is that Coach Dooley do what the Lame One could not. Win a flipping bowl game...and many more to come.

It's Great to Be a Tennessee Vol!! VFL!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I almost forgot...

So I watched the American Music Awards last Sunday for one reason and one reason only, I wanted to see the ultimate boy band take the stage. That's right the New Kids on the Block & the Backstreet Boys took the stage together. And let me just tell you, the teeny-bopper in me about died!!

Yes, I'm 31 in actual years, but I'm always going to be a kid at heart and a part of my heart will always love my NKOTB & BSB. I'm not ashamed to admit I screamed and dropped the remote when they started to dance. Then, I couldn't help sining along. It was AWESOME!!

I was even happier the next day when I went online to see they announced more tour dates. And guess what, they're coming to Nashville on Tuesday, June 21st. They will be in Atlanta the following evening. In case you're wondering, yes, I've already asked for the time off from work. The Nashville show is Choice #1, but I'm never opposed to back-to-back concerts.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, December 11th. I have not decided if I want to join the fan club to have a chance to buy the pre-sale tickets. I guess I should look into that.

I missed seeing the New Kids the first time around, I've been waiting over 20 years to see them on stage. I can not miss this show!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sorry, I've been out of the loop...

My wonderful laptop decided to give me problems again. I've only had it for like 3 years and this is the second time it's gone crazy on me. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but my buddy Jason offered to take a look. He fixed it the last time, here's hoping he can work his magic again!

So until then, my blog will be a quiet place...sad times.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What can you get for $1.00?

Well, for $2.00 I can get a round trip bus ticket from Knoxville to Washington DC! Apparently starting December 15th, Knoxville will be a stop on the Megabus route. I mean come on, how can you beat that deal?

Once you get to DC, you can get to even more cities: Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and even Toronto...just to name a few.

First launched in 2006, Megabus has serviced over 4 million passengers throughout 28 major cities in the Northeast and Midwest.

Washington DC is one of my favorite cities to visit. I want to see the cherry blossoms bloom in the Spring. Who's up for a bus trip?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Travel Pet Peeves

I know I'm not the only one in this situation, but every time I go to the airport, I swear I have a"moron magnet" attached to me. Come on folks, the TSA line is not rocket science. I think I saw my friend Allyson tweet a similar statement recently.

I still amazed that there are people that don't understand how to go through an airport security line. Here's a quick crash course...don't pack a lot of stupid junk. If you have a laptop, please take it out of the case. If you have change in your pocket or a money clip, please put it in the circular tray. Ladies, if you wear cheap jewelry, put that in the tray too.

Remember, you're only suppose to travel liquids that are 3 oz. or less. All of your liquids should be in a 1 quart ziploc bag that can be EASILY removed from your bag. And don't forget to take your shoes off too. Lucky for me, all of my trips are for pleasure, so I wear slippah's (ie. flip flops for my haole readers) because I can easily take them off. Don't wear stupid shoes that are hard to get on and off if you don't have to.

Oh, and when you're getting your bags off the belt, if you have a ton of crap, please step to the side to reorganize your items. Don't block the line while you're trying to put on your belt, grab your money clip and find your shoes.

The TSA line is my biggest traveling pet peeve, but I was reminded of another tonight. I call it "the annoying traveler who will not shut up". When I'm traveling solo, I don't care about your life story. I don't want to make small talk if I'm reading a book, magazine, or have my iPod playing.

But "the annoying traveler who would not shut up" was sitting a row behind me during my flight from Cincinnati to Knoxville. To make matters worse she was talking non-stop while we were waiting at the gate. I'm not kidding, this woman must have talked for 2 hours straight. Apparently she knew someone else on the flight and kept flapping her gums. It was late, I was tired and wanted to sleep, but I couldn't. To make matters worse, she had an annoying accent.

Please don't be "the annoying traveler who would not shut up". Next time, I'm going to carry earplugs, just in case.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When it rains it pours...

I tried to get out of the office today by 5:00PM...yeah, that didn't happen. But I did get out of there before 7:00PM, which is a miracle for me this week.

Is it just me, or do the wheels seem to fall off before you leave the office for an extended period of time? I made a vow to myself that if I'm on vacation, I don't think about work, but it's a little more difficult when I have to manage 6-7 people at a time. I always have to make sure they have enough work to keep them busy. We're in our busiest time of year, so that's not the issue, this time.

This time my issues came from every other department. Basically other people weren't held accountable and my department had to swoop in a fix the mess. What kills me, all of my employees are topped out on the pay scale. They are classified as "Level 3" employees, but do as much, if not more work than our standard "Level 4's". It's just annoying that my team/department has to bust a$$ and will never be rewarded for their efforts.

They're expected to be perfect, but other departments are not held to the same standard. In a perfect world, each department would be held to the same standard, since we're working toward the same goal.

There are times I feel like an information desk. As a manager, I understand we have to wear different hats, but I sometimes I wish other people could see all the junk we have to put up with and hoops we have to jump through.

We're suppose to start cross-training with different departments & have training sessions about what we do. Is it bad that I want to sign people up for these training the top of my head I can list off about 10 people that all need to sit in the front row and take pages of notes!! Haha...

OK, that's enough of a work vent...I have a suitcase to pack....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sold Out

Guess I waited too long to pick up my midnight Harry Potter tickets. Maybe that was my subconscious telling me I should be sleeping instead of sitting in a movie, then falling asleep at work.

When I'm tried, I'm extra grumpy and my desk doesn't make for a good pillow, no matter how many papers I stack on it.

Where did the time go?

Every Fall I get in a fight with Daylight Savings Time. This time around, I don't even know what happened to that "extra hour" of sleep?!

I do enjoy the sunlight when I wake up in the morning, but I can't stand the fact that it's dark by the time I leave the office. When it gets darker earlier, I feel lazier. I don't want to go to the gym, I just want to come home and hibernate like a little bear.

I'm also over the cold weather, I'm ready for my toes to hit the sand...

Monday, November 8, 2010

To midnight, or not to midnight....

...that is the question...

Part One of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows opens at midnight on November 19th.

I'm on the fence about going to the midnight show. I have to work the next day and the last time I went to a midnight show, then came in to the office, I think I drooled on my desk.

The main reason I want to go to the first show, aside from my lack of patience, is so everyone else doesn't ruin it for me. I haven't read any reviews and won't do so.

We have an away game that Saturday, so I guess I could see it on Saturday afternoon, but I don't know if I can wait that long. I know I'll have to see it again when I go home for Thanksgiving, but I think it will be worth it.

I wonder if I'll be able to take my wand to the show? But since I don't have the robe to match, I'd look kind of silly. And it will be way to cold to wear my old Halloween costume.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Colts vs Titans

Not only did Kenny announce a handful of tour dates, but I also found out I'll be going to the Colts vs Titans game in Nashville on December 9th. I've never been to an NFL game before and I LOVE Peyton Manning. I haven't seen him play in person since November 1997, my freshman year of college.

I have officially lost my mind....

Kenny Chesney announced 9 stadium dates for his 2011 Goin' Coastal Tour. I was shocked when I didn't see LP Field in Nashville on the list, but not that surprised when I didn't see Knoxville's Neyland Stadium. I keep hoping they'll add more stadium dates, but I think it's a false hope.

Arena & amphitheatre dates have yet to be released. So, maybe there will be some kind of stop in his home state of Tennessee.

Since I have no patience, and don't want to miss out on the party, I already booked a flight to Tampa for the opening show. Here's the problem, concert tickets don't go on sale till December 11th. Cross your fingers that I actually get tickets!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I never thought I'd see the day when the New Kids on the Block & the Backstreet Boys would join forces for a mega boy band tour. But starting in 2011, this will become a reality!!

I missed the New Kids back in the day, but I've seen the BSB three times and I LOVED it!! Granted, it's not going to be the same without Kevin, but I have to see this show.

All I need to know is, where are they playing and how much will it cost me? And I wonder if Marky Mark would consider being the opening act!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

We're Cooking = Welcome Home

At the beginning of every month, we have a team leader lunch. Wasabi's is our normal destination, but we've been mixing it up a lot lately.

Today, we went to We're Cooking: All American Grill out on N. Peter's Road. The Boss Man likes locally owned businesses and I can't say I blame him. When we walked in we were greeted with "welcome home" & a warm smile.

The owner even let Brad & I go back into the kitchen to show us that the burger patties were made fresh, not thawed from the freezer. Of course Brad had to ask , "Do we have to wear hair nets?" I guess it's hard to take the Monroe County out of the boy.

Any place that let's you order your burger by size (1/4, half or whole cow) has to be good! Not only was the food & staff outstanding, they gave us a free sample of their home made banana pudding. Two thumbs up on the banana pudding.

We're Cooking is the prime example of the American Dream, founded by a Polish immigrant who learned English by watching the new & Cheers re-runs. If you're out in that area, I suggest you stop by for a visit.

After lunch, we headed over to Dick's Sporting Goods and got to pick up any item in the store under $21.00. I decided on the Camo Power Popper. Figured it would be a good stress reliever around the office!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot... Christmas.

It's still Halloween Day, but Target already had their Christmas display up. Call me crazy, but what happened to celebrating Christmas in December? I love Christmas as much as the next person, but I can't really get into the holiday spirit till I see Santa Claus close out the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

But back to the point, I hope we all stop and reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas. It's not about the gifts (yes, I really said that) it's about the giving.

I'm very fortunate in that I've never had to go without, but I know not everyone is that lucky. I've been asked to help with this year's Angel Tree at work. We're doing things a little different this time around. The powers that be think it's too early to have an Angel Tree up in our lobby. I can't say I disagree, but I understand we're trying to get the word out early.

So, I get to go cube to cube with the gift tags! Nothing I like more than laying on the guilt :) We're all fortunate enough to have a job that pays the bills...I hope most of my co-workers will find it in their hearts to give this season!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

How did I get so lucky...

...and end up with such good friends?

I feel blessed to have a circle of very close friends. I would do anything for them and I know they'd to the same for me.

I wish some of my friends were closer. It's hard to catch up with those out West and I feel guilty for not keeping in better touch. But the good thing is, when we do talk, it's like no time has passed. Those make for the best conversations.

Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, Twitter & my 10 year high school reunion, I've been able to get in touch with and keep up with friendships I thought were lost. The older I get, the more I appreciate every single person who impacts my life.

I don't really know what the point of this post is, but I just needed to get some stuff off my chest. I don't like to see my friends get hurt either. I hate to see them being taken advantage of and lied to. We're all adults here, just be honest and we'll move harm, no foul.

I know I don't say it enough, but I love all of you and appreciate everything about you. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life!!

Trims and Trinkets

I don't seem to have a creative bone in my body, but I do have some very creative friends. My friend Meghan creates and sells the most beautiful Christmas wreaths. Aside from being a full time teacher, wife and mother, I don't see how she has the time for this hobby.

Granted, I may be a bit biased, but you need to check out her website, Trims and Trinkets and see for yourself! I found the photo of a UT wreath she made, I may have to order one for myself!!

Christmas is right around the corner, does your front door need a little something extra?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Growing up in Hawaii, wearing socks with slippers was a major fashion no-no. But these "tubeflops" are actually pretty cute! I'd consider buying a pair if the slippers were like J.Crew's and thicker. I need all the inches I can get.


I've never been a patient person. I consider this one of my biggest flaws. However, thanks to the Vols, I'm learning patience each week. It's a constant struggle for me. As an alumni & season ticket holder, I expect my team to show up and give their all every week.

We're seven games in and I'm not satisfied with the product we run out there on Saturday. I understand our roster is thin and our talent level is not up to par with other teams in the SEC, but come on, half of the time it looks like we have never taken a snap before!

The lack of discipline with regard to the increased number of penalties & not being able to line up correctly is a major issue the coaches need to address and correct. We're shooting ourselves in the foot.

Another pet peeve testing my patience is our uber conservative play calling. We can't and won't win football games if all we can muster is a "3 & out" each time our offense takes the field. Not only that, what happened to throwing the football past the first down marker?

I understand we don't have the best QB in the league, but geez, if my starting QB can't complete a 15 yr pass from scrimmage, he should be my starting QB.

I heard Coach Dooley speak at an alumni event before the season started. I remember him saying two things that would be keys to our success. We needed to "move the chains & light up the scoreboard"...well, if we can't move the chains, how can we light up the scoreboard?

Our lack of on field leadership is another thing that really chaps my hide. None of the guys we run out there scare the living daylights out of me. Maybe the guys that played when I was in college spoiled me. I miss the hard nosed players like Al Wilson, John Henderson, Albert Haynesworth, Raynoch Thompson, etc. I mean, would you want to answer to any one of those guys if you missed your assignment or didn't bring your A game every weekend?

Don't get me wrong, I'd never turn my back on my Vols, but when is enough...enough? You can't tell me the players aren't disappointed by their lack of success. If all of the "experts" kept talking about my lack of talent & depth, you better believe I'd work extra hard to make a difference.

All I ask of my team is they wear the Power T with pride and give their all for Tennessee. I don't know that all of the guys on my team feel that way. I've never seen a team give up like I have this season. When the going gets tough, dust of your britches and give all your might!!


Friday, October 22, 2010

There and Back Again...

Ok, so the title on this post comes from "Lord of the Rings", but it's pretty fitting. My travels continued last week. I flew down to Orlando to visit with some friends & the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios.

I am a stickler for details when it comes to all things Potter, but I was very impressed after my visit. I hate to wait in any kind of line, but looking back, I wish I had more time in line while waiting on the Forbidden Journey ride. The line starts you outside of Professor Sprout's greenhouse...check out those mandrakes...

When I saw this on the wall, inside Hogwarts Castle, I started to scream...

Then the line lead me to Dumbledore's Office...

The moving portraits were fantastic! I felt like I was in my own little Potter World, and I never wanted to leave...

I would have given anything to actually use the Pensieve

I didn't realize Dumbledore actually showed up in the photo till I got was like magic!

Yes, Anne & I were ready to board the Hogwarts Express

I could live at Hogwarts...

We hit the park early Saturday morning, we were on a mission after all! The gates were suppose to open at 9AM, but opened earlier. We were already in line at the greenhouse by 9:02AM.

The only minor issue I had was this, the shops in Hogsmeade weren't accurate. They had some shops from Diagon Alley in there. Why not make two different areas? Any why not make a ride out of Gringott's, the Wizard Bank?

But overall, it was a fun filled day. My friend, Allyson, even stopped by for a visit. She actually talked me out of buying the $99.98 Gryffindor robe. I settled for Harry's wand & a few t-shirts.

We ended the night at Margaritaville. I love sitting on the patio & listening to live music. This time there was a great local artist, Eric von Hahmann playing. Anytime I have beer & country music I'm happy!

It was so funny because he made fun of my accent during the set break. I've lived in Tennessee for 23 years, I guess it's only natural I picked one up along the way. But he made it up to me when he played Kenny's "Back Where I Come From". The clincher, instead of sining, "cause I'm an old Tennessean"...he paused, pointed to our table and sang, "cause she's the true East Tennessean..." Did I mention I had my Power T camo hat on at the time?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who wants to Zorb?

I do...I do!!

Come on, how can rolling down a hill in a giant, inflated hamster ball not be fun? I heard my boss was trying to convince our VP to let us go Zorbing before our Team Leader retreat next Monday. Sadly, he didn't go for the idea. So, we're back to our standard option: #1 golfing or #2 shopping...guess which route I'm taking?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time for a Break

My upcoming trip to Orlando couldn't have come at a better time!

Ever have those moments where you think, "Oh my gosh, I just need a break from reality?" Well, I'm having one on those moments now. I do my best not to let my job or certain people annoy me, but sometimes I can't help it. I'm only human, I can only put up with so much before I snap.

My job is not difficult, but sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting kids all day. I have to manage a team of 6-7 people, but there is a very large age difference between several of my team members. I have to remind myself that some of them do not have the same work attitude I have. My philosophy is simple, do what is asked & do it to the best of your ability.

I have a few "chronic complainers" or as I call them "rainclouds". No one likes a Debbie Downer, but the biggest issue I have is this, these rainclouds will make comments to their co-workers, instead of coming to me if they're having trouble getting their work finished on time. Nothing annoys me more than people who complain just to complain.

But alas, it's just a job & the sun will come up tomorrow...and I'm going on vacation Friday!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The end of the Tuck era

And just like that, he's gone. Finally, after months of searching, Tuck was offered & accepted a job in Atlanta! Today was his last day in our office. It was a bittersweet day for sure. On one hand, I was happy for him, he and his wife have been living in separate cities since May. But on the other, I was losing the heart and soul of my team.

I often told him he reminded me of Bristol Peyton. Yes, he was just like my ADD beagle. I'm going to miss those random "OMG did I ever tell you I can make a noise with my mouth that sounds just like a weedeater" outbursts and even the singing that would come from his cube on an almost daily basis. Did you know the first CD he ever owned was Celine Dion? He would sing Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga on demand.

We picked on him pretty good, but he was always a good sport about it. Sports was our semi-common bond. Everyone wondered how this Louisiana born, LSU, Saints & Kyle Busch fan would fit on my team. I think he fit in quite well.

We had a chance to win a team breakfast if we picked the winning team & score for the Super Bowl. Seven out of eight on the team picked the Colts. Tuck was out voted, my team chose the Colts and we all know how that turned out. But being the nice guy he is, he offered to buy the team breakfast anyway, to show there were no hard feelings. But there was a catch, we had to put on his Saints gear for a photo first. It was the funniest team picture ever & he kept that as his desktop wallpaper till he left.

He talked a lot of trash before last week's LSU game, but after the second ending, I got a text from him saying that he would not be talking any trash, as LSU did not deserve to win the game. To his credit, he kept his word.

Tuck had only lived in Knoxville for a few years, so he hadn't really experienced a lot of it's local flavor. Tuck being Tuck, wanted to cram everything into his last week. Chandler's Deli was the last stop on his "Goodbye Knoxville Food Tour".

I think we saved the best for last. If you enjoy some good ole Southern cooking, you've come to the right place. A buddy suggested I get the meat & 3...I'm so glad I listened to him. I ended up with fried chicken, mashed taters and gravy, mac and cheese and corn. They give you huge portions and it's almost impossible to finish it all. I was already thinking about what I would get on my next visit.

So, I'm going to miss Tuck & all his quirkiness, but my belly & waistline will not! For the record, "Tuck" is not his real name. I started calling him "Tuck" after he walking into the office with his Saints jersey tucked into his pants. It just looked weird and the name stuck.

Good luck in the ATL Tuck, we really will miss you!!

I'm sorry Smokey, I still love you, but I wanted a Mike the Tiger shirt to remember Tuck

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dear Santa

I love Twitter! I love it for all of my sports & current event updates, but I found another use....SHOPPING!

I honestly don't know why I didn't think of that before. I recently discovered one of my favorite stores, Tiffany & Co. has a Twitter account and thanks to its updates I realized they sell purses now! I'm not sure which I love more, jewelry or handbags?

So Santa, if you're reading my blog...I've been really good this year & I'd really like a new Tiffany's handbag...I'll even leave extra milk & cookies.

XOXO -- Nikki

Tuck's "Goodbye Knoxville" Food Tour

One of my co-workers, "Tuck", will be leaving on Friday. He finally got a job in Atlanta! I give him a rough time, but I really will miss him. He reminds me of Bristol Peyton...he eats everything in sight, has the attention span of a gnat, but he's the heart and soul of the team. Things will really be different and quite when he's gone. But he'll finally be in the same city with his wife, so I'm very happy for that!!

In true "Tuck" fashion, he's made a quick "Knoxville Bucket List"...I somehow got roped into helping him kick 2 items off said list.

#1 -- lunch @ Long's Drug Store

#2 -- lunch @ Chandler's Deli

I've been in Knoxville since the fall of 1997, but had never been to Long's until a month ago. Tuck & 2 of my other co-workers had lunch there today. All of the tables were full, but the counter was empty. I love eating at the counter, I really don't know why, but even as a kid I always liked being close to the action.

I had the bacon cheeseburger & seasoned french fries today. I normally get onion rings, but I had to save room for the Reese's milk shake!

If you're looking for trip back in time, I highly suggest "meeting me at Long's". The prices can't be beat & the food is your typical diner grub, my favorite. Another friend recommended the Cherry Coke. I second this suggestion. I want to go on a Saturday morning since that's the only time they serve biscuits & gravy.

I've never been to Chandler's Deli either, but my friends swear by it. All I need to know is they serve fried chicken, pulled pork, ribs and mac & cheese, just to name a few. I still don't know which I'll order, but I highly doubt I could go wrong with any of them.

For those interested in Tuck's "Goodbye Knoxville" Food Tour, check back later this week for more updates.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's almost time...

...for another vacation!

I haven't been on a "real vacation" since July. It's a tough life, I know...but sometimes just taking a few days off does wonders for the brain and the soul.

This time, I'll be meeting my friends from NYC in Orlando to hit up The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure. If you don't hear from me after mid-October, chances are I've found a way to live at Hogwarts!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We got Les-ed

I've never gone from the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows like I did this afternoon. My unranked, underdog Vols traveled to the bayou to take on the #10 ranked LSU Tigers. How the Tigers are ranked so high is beyond me, but by all accounts, we had the game won.

But that wasn't good enough...Les Miles must have made a deal with the devil. The man has more coaching lives than a cat. With what seemed like just seconds left on the clock, LSU fumbles the snap...ball game....Vols pull off a miracle.

Not so fast my friends, for some unknown reason the Vols decide to make a string of substitutions on defense. Last week, we didn't have enough men on the field...this week, we had 2 too many.

And just like that, after my Vols are celebrating on the field....we're celebrating in the bar...that stupid yellow flag comes back to bite us in the butt. 13 men on defense is the call. LSU gets the ball back with 0.00 seconds left on the clock. They punch it in the endzone....just like that LSU's celebrating in the endzone.

This is all I have to say to my Vols. I will have your back no matter what, as long as you give your all for Tennessee. I know we're young & thin, but I need a field general to step up and lead. I need one of you to step up and challenge your teammates. If there missing their assignments, not tackling, not giving their need to make them play to their potential!

Where are my old school, hard nosed football players? Sometimes I feel like you have to walk on cupcakes around this's a tough sport, I need tough minded players.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just another Saturday at the stadium

Dear University of Tennessee Athletics Department,

Please don't schedule four home games to start the season.


Yes, I love my college football, but I like my free weekends too. We played University of Alabama, Birmingham this weekend. I didn't plan to get to campus any earlier than usual, but I got a text early Saturday morning telling me otherwise.

Apparently there was a pre-game field pass waiting for me and I had to get there ASAP. So I got in the car and drove way too fast down I-275. I honestly think I got parked in less than 10 minutes.

Keep in mind, I was not designed for speed & I hate sweating, but I had no choice. I ended up running from the Market Street Garage, thru Worlds Fair Park, climbed up at least 6 flights of steps in G10 and grabbed my pass in G5.

The whole time I was running, I kept thinking...please don't let me fall down like Peter in Family Guy or please don't let me drop dead of a heart attack.

Needless to say I made it and in the end, it was worth it. It was fun to experience game day from a different perspective.

Me, Rubes & Jason

Matt Simms

Gerald Jones -- pre-dance routine

Yes, Justin Hunter really is that tall

Justin Wilcox & Lance Thompson

Which one gave their all for Tennessee?

Janzen Jackson

Coach Dooley

If only he'd really been there this time

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am Tennessee

I know we're 3 weeks in to the college football season, but I was reminded of this message as I passed by Neyland this evening:

I am Tennessee . . . . .

I am Tennessee. I am the 30 year old couple coming back to campus for the first time with both little ones in tow. One wears her orange and white cheerleader outfit; the other wears #16 even though he's too young to understand why.

I am the 50 year old man who hoped no one saw tears in his eyes when the T was formed by the band. I was too choked even to sing "Rocky Top". For a moment I felt foolish and then I didn't care. God, I love this place.

I am the 60 year old woman meeting her freshman grand-daughter who is now the 3rd generation of UT students in our family. Despite my age, I'd strap it on Saturday and hit someone if it weren't for my gender and this blasted arthritis.

I am Tennessee and I have always believed I was different. You can see it when you look up into the stands. My orange is not the same as Florida's or Auburn's . But the differences go much deeper than my colors.

Read my creed. What other school has one? I genuinely believe in these things. To be a real Tennessee man or woman speaks of character, not of geography.

All are welcome to walk though my gates, not just the wealthy or the elite.

Georgia and Alabama may have their nations, but we have always been family. Make no mistake, we loathe defeat, but even in defeat, we would rather be a Tennessee Vol than anything else.

We are family and you are the sons of Heisman, the sons of Majors and Neyland. You come from a long line of brothers who names include White, Gault, Wilson, Manning, Shuler, Nash and Mahelona. It is a great heritage.

So this Saturday, when the warm ups are over and the prayers and amen spoken, when you hear my thunder growing in the stands above you, when you stand in the tunnel and the smoke begins to form, listen for my voice when you run onto my field. Behind the frenzy of the shakers and deafening roar, I will tell you something in a whisper you may miss. I will be telling you that you are my sons and I am proud of you for the way you wear the orange and white. I am telling you that you are my sons and I love you.

Tennessee is so much more than a state or a school or a team or a degree. It is something that, once you have experienced it, will live inside of you forever and become a part of what makes up who you are.

It is driving into town on a game day. You may have come from hundreds of miles away and as you get closer and closer to the city limits, you feel it rising inside of you. Other cars on the highway proudly display their Orange and White flags or magnets or car tags, and you honk and wave at them, because, for that one day, you are all on the same team.

It is the smell in the air and the ritualistic act of tailgating...catching up with old friends, making new ones, and invitations from perfect strangers to try their ribs or watch their satellite TV showing all of the day's important match-ups...of course, all being secondary to the one that will occur in the great cathedral of Neyland Stadium later that day.

It is the Vol Walk...where you might just see 300 pound men overcome with emotion and weeping with pride, because you have come there to cheer them on. As they walk by, you might exchange a glance with one or two of them, and you can see it in their is going to be their day.

It is the students...dressed in their best, because going to a Tennessee game is like going to church for Tennessee show the same respect as you would if you were in God's house. Those students remind you of the days when you were walking in their shoes and Tennessee was your home...but then you realize, in many ways, it is still and always will be HOME.

It is that lump that rises in your throat when the band plays Rocky Top as the "T" is formed.

It is walking around on a "foreign" and sometimes hostile campus. You are easily identified (Tennessee people always are) and the enemy jeers and shouts things at you to mask their feelings of intimidation. But just then you happen upon a friend you have never met before. You know they are your friend by the colors they wear or the shaker in their hand. You exchange a "Go Vols" and a confident grin, because he/she knows what you know.

It is when your heart leaps with every touchdown, field goal, sack, and interception...because those are our boys. And win or lose, they will always have our un-dying support. After all, it is those boys that you are really there for and not a coach or a logo or a trustee or a president.

It is the complete and utter exhilaration of walking away victorious over a worthy opponent...that feeling of pride and accomplishment as if it were your own feet that had crossed the goal line scoring the last points yourself...that feeling of wanting to scream "Go Big Orange" at the top of your lungs and hug complete strangers...and then there is the ultimate high of defeating your most hated foes from across the state.

No words can describe what this feels like, but you know because you have experienced it.

It is the sheer agony of defeat as the last minutes tick off of the clock and you realize that all hope of a victory is gone. You feel like crying and maybe you do...then you hear the faint sounds of a cheer that grows louder and louder...."Its Great To Be A Tennessee Vol."

It is knowing that year after year, no matter how things change in our hectic lives, you can always come back to "the Loveliest Place on the River"...the place where you came from...your home. It will probably look a little different and there will be new names on the backs of the jerseys, but deep down, no matter what, it is still the same. You still love it as much as you always have, because Tennessee is as much a part of you as your arms and your legs and the orange blood that runs through your veins.

And, finally, it is the feeling you have right now as you read these lines....the anticipation inside of you, because you know its almost time....Its about to start all over again...but then it really never goes away, does it?


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just a thought

A friend of mine had the following as her status update on Facebook. For some reason, it just struck a chord:

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right; forget about the ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

Happy Tuesday!

I have the following photo as the wallpaper on my work computer. It's pretty relaxing, don't you think? Hopefully I'll make it to Bora Bora some day...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Volunteer Traditions

Bet you thought this was going to be another Tennessee Volunteers football post...wrong! It's another preppy fashion post. I saw a guy with a hunting dog polo shirt yesterday and it reminded of the Volunteer Traditions website.

I always wondered were those frat boys got their Tri-Star hats & belts.

Have no fear, other Southern states Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and soon, Louisiana are represented.

It's a little Smokey

Dear Santa, I really...really like these slippers

Fair Weather Fans...

Are you one? I hope not!

For the past two Saturday's, Neyland Stadium's been full. Over 102K have come to support our Vols and they've been vocal. I haven't had a voice since the Friday before the Oregon game.

But I became frustrated after yesterday's Florida game. Yes, our program is young, thin and rebuilding. But why did a majority of the stadium clear out in the 4th quarter. Vols were only down 2 scores...anything is possible in the game of football.

Shame on you Vol fans. How can you walk out on your team when they're giving their all for the program? If you're not going to support your team till the end, please stay home. Or better yet, give your tickets to those who will stand by our team till the end.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Can't we all just get along?

It's Florida Week....

Hello, my name is Albie & I'm a silly little Gator

Doesn't Albie look cuter with a Power T on his chest?

This is how we feel about the Gators

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been four days...

...since the Oregon game. Apparently I screamed and yelled a lot, because my throat is still scratchy and my voice is shot. I don't think it's taken me this long to get my voice back...ever.

I'm sure my co-workers and friends are happy to have me muzzled, but I'm more concerned about our game on Saturday. It's Florida week and I have to be able to yell at those blasted Gators when they invade Neyland.

I even practiced screaming today, I sounded pitiful. How can I help my Vols if I can't yell? I guess I could still curse under my breath?!

Life is better in orange...

In case anyone has been living under a rock, Peyton Manning was at our first home game, against UT Martin. He had a checkerboard belt and I've been looking for it for two weeks.

Well, I found it and a few other Volunteer items at a wonderful website: Smathers & Branson

All of the Smathers & Branson products are needlepoint, which means they're expensive. But everything is super cute! I wish their college line featured more things for women.

So, in case any of you are wondering what to get me for Christmas, *cough* checkerboard flask *cough*

Have no fear non Vol fans, Smathers & Branson's collegiate collection is pretty vast...I'm sure you can find your team there too.

The "Peyton" belt...$165.00

I like this one, but like the checkerboard more

Where has this been all my life?
Or this one for that matter?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journey to Antarctica

I want to go to Antarctica. Why? #1 -- I want to visit all seven continents & #2 I want to hug a penguin. They're just go cute!!

Earlier this summer I requested information from National Geographic. Big mistake on my part. They sent me these amazing travel guides, now all I can think about is one adventure after another.

There are may different tours, but I want the "Journey to Antarctica". It's a 14 day trip, goodness knows I have the PTO for it, but do I have the roughly $12,000? That would be a big fat "NO"! But heck, I can dream, right?

Maybe one day...if I ever win the lottery or win the MegaBucks in Vegas.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Vote for Smokey

Our beloved Smokey is up for Capital One's National Mascot of the Year! He's on a two week winning streak, beating Sebastian the Ibis and the Oregon Duck.

This week he takes on the University of Maryland's Testudo. After 12 weeks of voting, the top 8 mascot's advance...Smokey's currently #2 overall. I don't know how Big Blue from ODU is #1 overall, but I have no doubt Smokey will end up as the top dog.

Click here to vote for Smokey!

My almost 15 minutes of fame

It must have been a slow day in Knoxville if someone wanted to interview me for a Vols football package.

Check out for the video "Strong tradition of Tennessee football keeps Vol fans constant".

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Visit to Ground Zero

I flew to NYC for the first time in the fall of 2007.

My friend took me down to Ground Zero and my jaw dropped. I remember the first thing we saw was a church. There was a high fence all the way around it, and you could still find jackets, boots, hats, helmets, etc. This is where a lot of the first responders left their items before rushing to do their job, saving lives, in the World Trade Center.

Sadly, they never returned to collect their belongings. At that moment, I wanted to call everyone I knew to tell them that I loved them. From that moment forward, I decided never to take anything in life for granted. You never know when it may be your last.

Hard to believe the Towers once stood here

I've never seen a work site so quiet

If you don't get emotional here, you need your pulse checked

9/11...nine years later

I woke up this morning with the following Zac Brown Band lyrics in my head, "I thank God for my life & for the stars and stripes...may freedom forever fly, let it ring..."

Nine years ago, our world was forever changed. I'll never forget where I was when I found out the Pentagon and Twin Towers had been attacked. I was in Hodges Library, on the University of Tennessee campus. I was finishing an advertising project and decided to surf the web before I headed to my next class. And then I saw it, one of the Twin Towers in New York City smoking....then an image I still can't get out of my head...the second plane headed straight for the other Tower.

I ran into a few friends on my way out of the library and couldn't get my head around what was going on. I felt sick, like I was in a daze. I kept thinking, how could this happen? Why would this happen? Then I got angry. I was angry because it was such a cowardly act. How dare these terrorists take so many innocent lives & how dare they do it on American soil.

I come from a military family, I knew we were headed toward war & I knew there was a chance I'd have to see some family & friends sent overseas. My uncle, a long retired Marine helicopter pilot, went down to the Marine base in Hawaii to re-enlist. Due to his age, he was turned away.

But that's what I loved seeing, love for and pride in our country. We would not be where we are today without the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women. For that, I will always be grateful.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's college football time...

Bristol Peyton's all Vol...